Vztažné věty (who - which)

Vztažné věty v angličtině - cvičení 1 (who, which)

Doplňte vztažné věty zájmenem 'who' nebo 'which' místo zájmena 'that'.


A soldier is someone that works in the army.
A soldier is someone works in the army.

A student is a person that goes to school.
A student is a person goes to school.

An ostrich is a bird that cannot fly.
An ostrich is a bird cannot fly.

A cook is someone that makes meals at a restaurant.
A cook is someone makes meals at a restaurant.

A tire is a thing that you can find on a wheel.
A tire is a thing you can find on a wheel.

A stick is a piece of wood that is long and thing.
A stick is a piece of wood is long and thing.

I saw a boy that ran out of your office.
I saw a boy ran out of your office.

Where is the T-shirt that I gave you?
Where is the T-shirt I gave you?

This is the girl that I told you about.
This is the girl I told you about.

The doll that you want costs 14 pounds.
The doll you want costs 14 pounds.


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