Přítomný čas - 3. osoba

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Přítomný čas prostý - věty oznamovací, tázací a záporné, procvičování přítomného času.

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Přítomný čas prostý - cvičení 4 (třetí osoba)

Proč malý Sam vstává tak brzy. Doplňte příběh. Užijte 3. osobu jednotného čísla v přítomném čase.


Every day little Samuel up early in the morning. (get)

He downstairs and into the backyard. (hurry)

Where is she? Over there. His black kitten always in the grass. (play)

Sam her around the backyard. (chase)

He her under her soft belly. (grab)

He her into the air. (lift)

He her on her pink nose. (kiss)

And he her into the kitchen to give her some milk. (carry)

But sometimes he just his kitten running on the grass. (watch)

What a fast cat she is! She never a mosquito flying low above the ground. (miss)

But she can also be quite cruel when she with a mouse. (play)

She the mouse up in the air and lets her fall down. Again and again. (throw)

Sam his cute kitten very much. But he doesn't like her cruel games. (love)


Anglická gramatika s přehledy pro samouky je ke stažení zdarma v pdf na Anglická gramatika PDF.

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