Přítomný čas - otázky

Náš tip
Přítomný čas prostý - věty oznamovací a otázky, procvičování přítomného času.

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Angličtina: přítomný čas prostý - cvičení 2 (otázky)

Přítomný čas prostý. Utvořte otázky (do - does).

Příklad:A: My brother Mark goes to school.
B: ___ it ? (he - like)
B: Does he like it?


A: My brother Mark goes to primary school.
B: early? (he - get up)

A: Very early. His friends Jim and Kevin travel with him.
B: by bus? (they - travel)

A: Usually. Jim's father sometimes takes them by car. He is a teacher.
B: at the same school? (he - teach)
A: Yes, he does. He teaches English and history.

B: English? (your brother - like)
A: English is his favourite subject.

B: him with his homework? (you - help)
A: Never. My brother is the best student in his class.

B: the same lessons? (Jim and Kevin - attend)
A: They are two years older. But they meet for lunch.

B: at a school canteen? (Mark - eat)
A: Yes, because our mum and dad can't make his lunch.

B: to work? (your parents - go)
A: My mum is a nurse and my dad is a doctor.

B: at a hospital? (they - work)
A: Only my mum.

B: to be a doctor? (your brother - want)
A: I don't know. But I want to be a nurse.

B: to work at a hospital too? (you - want)
A: Yes, I do. But my mum isn't very happy about it.


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