Předbudoucí čas - otázky

Předbudoucí čas - cvičení 3 (otázky)

Utvořte otázky k odpovědím. Užijte předbudoucí čas.


When the dinner? (you - cook)
By 7 o'clock, I suppose.

How many continents before your journey to Australia? (you - visit)
Australia will be my fifth continent.

When the renovation? (Sue - finish)
Before Friday if everything goes well.

the refrigerator before we leave? (they - deliver)
Yes, by 10 o'clock.

the top of the mountain by noon? (Jim - reach)
No, he won't. It's impossible.

How many years married next year? (your mum - be)
It will be her twentieth wedding anniversary.

by Monday? (you - return)
No, I won't. I'll be back on Wednesday.

When her car? (Sarah - respray)
By next week, I think.


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