Budoucí čas

Angličtina: budoucí čas - cvičení 1

Utvořte věty s podobným významem. Užijte slovesa v závorkách a budoucí čas (will).

Příklad:I think Jim's birthday party is on Saturday.
I think Jim will have his birthday party on Saturday. (have)


You can't take my car. I use it at weekends.
You can't take my car. I it next weekend. (need)

Waiter, we would like two glasses of orange juice.
Waiter, we two glasses of orange juice. (have)

Do you think our English teacher is preparing a test for tomorrow?
Do you think we a test tomorrow? (write)

I don't mind going to the cinema if you help me with the housework.
I to the cinema if you help me with the housework. (go)

I have a lot of work to do in the evening.
I a lot in the evening. (work)

Dad can't take you to the station because there is a football match on TV.
Dad can't take you to the station because he to see a football match. (want)

This film is worth the money!
I this film! (watch)

There is a museum on our programme for tomorrow.
We a museum tomorrow. (visit)


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