Czasowniki modalne can, may, must – test 3, exercise 3

Choose the correct verb forms and complete the sentences.


On the plane: You need not/must not wear a seat belt all the time.
You wear a seat belt all the time.

You must/must not revise English words if you want to speak English.
You revise English words if you want to speak English.

You must not/need not take me to the station. I know the way.
You take me to the station.

You need not/may not stop in front of my garage. I can't get out.
You stop in front of my garage.

Is your telephone all right now? May/Can you hear me again?
you hear me again?

It must/cannot be Greg. Greg is much taller.
It be Greg.

Be careful! You must not/need not fall over again.
You fall over again.

Don't panic. You must/may pass the exam next time.
You pass the exam next time.

I can't carry all this luggage on my own. You need not/must help me!
You help me!

I don't want to go out now. I may/must dust the furniture first.
I dust the furniture first.

Spróbuj więcej: czasowniki modalne w języku angielskim do wydruku na stronie Gramatyka angielska.


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