Future perfect simple i continuous – test 2, exercise 3

Complete the questions.


the top by noon?
No, he will not have reached the top by noon.

How long the mountain this time tomorrow?
They will have been descending the mountain for 48 hours.

How many years next year?
She'll have been married for 10 years.

by Monday?
Yes, I'll have returned by Monday.

for more than two hours when she crosses the border?
I think that she won't have been driving for more than two hours.

Future perfect ćwiczenia - samodzielna nauka języka angielskiego za darmo. Są tutaj czasy angielskie, czasowniki modalne i nieregularne, struktury gramatyczne, ich budowa i zastosowanie, testy i ćwiczenia. Gramatyka angielska po prostu dla wszystkich.


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